International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering Research

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IJTEEE >> Volume 2 - Issue 5, May 2014 Edition

International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering Research  
International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering Research

Website: http://www.ijteee.org

ISSN 2347-4289

Automatic Electricity Bill Generation

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P. Jaswanth, P. Pavan Kumar Arthik Daniel Das, Dr. R. Nedunchelian





Abstract: Electricityisthebasicneedsofourlife. We can’timagineonemoment ofourlifewith outelectricity. Preventionofelectricitytheft andsavingofelectricityisrequiredtousethe electricitycontinuously.Inthispaper,wepro-posed automatic electricity bill generation.This replaces the previous methods of generatingelectricity bill like 1. An electrician comes to the house, take thereadings from the energy meter and generate bill from the bill calculator 2. In this method their will be a transreceivertion. with an micro controller at one place and eachmeter readings of all the houses areting itself. taken and bill is generated, this bill is taken to the housesby a person 3. In this method we use gsm or gprs for sending the information about the electricity power co-nsumption, amount to be paid for the power through sms 4. Recently we have a prepaid method of generating the bill for saving the power consumption In the above methods the person is needed to de-liver the bills or in some cases which uses network their will be network problems. We have proposed a new method called automatic electricity bill gener In this the bill is generated near the energy-meter itself at the start time of the month by calcula



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